A Spring Reminder

With spring on the door step and summer around the corner, if you didn’t have air conditioning or your air conditioner was broken down last year you don’t want to remember how hot it was last year.
Having your air conditioner checked before the cooling season is something everyone should do. All manufactures recommend an annual tune up. An air conditioner that is undercharged or even over charged can cost you much more on your monthly electric bill. A preseason tune up is a small amount to pay to assure your air conditioner is running at peak performance for the upcoming summer season.
On the other hand, if you laid awake at night or simply could not shake that voice in the back of your mind saying “I hope that old air conditioner survives another season, or at least til fall!!!” Well, there is no time like right now to replace it. Spring is the best time to purchase a new air conditioner. Utilities and manufactures have great rebates to help and of course a little help from a tax return never hurts either.
The fact is: Now is the time to schedule a tune up before the heat and the annual rush. A Tune up is a good way to assure your a/c will be running the best possible when the heat arrives.
If you’re thinking of replacement, check out our website and investigate the new high efficient air conditioners. Much quieter and more efficient. Plus early season manufacture rebates, utility company rebates plus tax credits for some.
If you’re thinking of replacement, check out our website and investigate the new high efficient air conditioners. Much quieter and more efficient. Plus early season manufacture rebates, utility company rebates plus tax credits for some.
Best to act early and avoid that hot, sweaty summer evening with a broken air conditioner.
Brian Jackson