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Giving back to the Community

By May 2, 2013December 11th, 2024Furnace Repair & Maintenance Tips



April 30, 2013


Last Sunday was by far the most beautiful day of the year so far.  The sun was out and for the first time the warmth of the sun felt so good.  What a perfect day to sit back and just absorb what we haven’t felt for the last 4 to 5 months.  What a great day to get out and do something.  Our Sunday afternoon consisted of helping our 12 year old daughter complete her service project assignment.  We gathered our trash bags and took all 3 kids and set out to clean up the park near our home.


                After about 15 or 20 minutes of walking the side lines of the soccer fields the trash bags were showing signs of filling up.  My kid’s embarrassment of picking up trash changed to a game of who could fill the bag first.  Instead of trying to find a place to hide they were running to pick up a candy wrapper.  When we finished walking around the park we had spent 40 minutes.  A little surprised myself by how little time it took.   I was pleased to hear the comments my daughters had to say.  Avery was surprised people could leave such a mess.  Emily felt we should do this more often and my son wanted to keep going!


 Growing up in our family business I have learned that you have to give a little to gain a little.  I have witnessed several times my grandfather (James Manwill) and my uncle (Jim Manwill) have taken upon themselves to give back to our community.    This spring, Manwill Plumbing and heating donated our labor to the installation of a new heating and cooling system for a drawing at the Spring Home and Garden show. We also donated a free duct cleaning to Lincoln Elementary for a fund raising program.  Our company takes pride in finding places we can make a difference.


So my question is?  What have you done lately to give back to your community?  As little as 30 minutes can make a bid difference in many ways. Attitude for trying something new, Aptitude for finding that you have done something that makes you feel good, and respect for someone who may have had an embarrassing idea the ended in a fun and positive way. 




 Brian Jackson


Manwill Plumbing and Heating